DigitalRD Dietitian Services Platform

for CWC Consulting Services

Project Overview

Most healthcare facilities manage their nutritional calculations and record management on paper or in hard-to-manage spreadsheets. CWC Consulting Services wanted to digitize the process and hired us to build DigitalRD.


DigitalRD is a HIPAA-compliant Software as a Service (SaaS) that streamlines dietitian processes. It is used in long-term care facilities and nursing homes, allowing dietitians to work smarter and to more efficiently manage nutritional needs of their residents. Digitizing the process of tracking nutritional assessments, weight changes, skin breakdowns and other nutritional health monitoring increases the quality of residential care, monitoring of progress, and provides a time-and-money-saving strategy not previously available.


AWS EC2, jQuery, Laravel, PostgeSQL, RDS, S3, SNS, Tenancy, Vue.js

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